P0331-3  Mugen Seiki 3 Drawer Medium Hauler Bag

These are the Mugen Seiki Large and Medium sized Hauler Bags. The large is designed with three easy to access drawers that slide into heavy-duty sleeves. The medium versions offer both 2 and 3 drawers with heavy-duty sleeves too. Each drawer and sleeve is made from industrial strength plastic that allows the drawers to slide easily and hold up in all conditions. The material is durable and moisture resistant. This bag is great for hauling and storing all of your R/C equipment.  The bottom drawer is perfect for MTX6R or MRX6R (without body)


- Durable high-quality materials.

Industrial strength plastic that allows the drawers to slide easily and hold in all conditions.  

- Heavy-duty zippers provide quick and easy access.

- Strong nylon carrying straps with padded handle.

- Spacious and waterproof drawers.


P0331-3 – 510mm x 320mm x 440mm