[하비몬 댓글]

■VP Powermaster Fuel 유통관련 안내

 - 사전 주문 접수  (팔레트 단위 접수 마감 후 일괄 출고)

 - 허가된 위험물 보관창고 보관 중

 - 택배 발송 불가

MSDS 다운로드

 *하비몬은 관련 법규를 준수합니다.

Product Description

Our 25% nitro-9% oil is the last fuel you'll need for your nitro RC car. VP is the World Leader in Fuel Technology®. We have nearly 50 years experience blending specialty fuels. Once you try our RC fuel you'll know it's THE answer for your racing or off-road buggy needs!

We design our nitro RC car fuel with a high-performance oil package. The fuel/oil combination gives you remarkable rpm and power gains without sacrificing reliability. Furthermore, we use only DOT-approved pressure-tested metal cans with an inner lining that prevents corrosion. The closure cap is tested to the highest of standards. To be sure, your fuel will be fresh and perform just as well down the road as it does the day you buy it.
