[하비몬 댓글]

■VP Powermaster Fuel 유통관련 안내

 - 사전 주문 접수  (팔레트 단위 접수 마감 후 일괄 출고)

 - 허가된 위험물 보관창고 보관 중

 - 택배 발송 불가

MSDS 다운로드

 *하비몬은 관련 법규를 준수합니다.

Product Description

PowerMaster 25% Road Race was developed by VP Racing Fuels to be the ULTIMATE answer for the ultra-high demands of 1/8th on-road racing. 25% Road Race is developed with a high-performance oil package for the incredible high rpms of .21 engines, without sacrificing reliability. Used by Ralph Burch Jr. and Paul Lemieux to win ROAR National Championships.

PowerMaster™ wants to make sure you have the very best fuel to give you the best chance to win, and that includes the packaging! The container the fuel is stored in is just as important to performance as the quality of the chemicals themselves. What good is it to put a high-performance fuel in a container that delivers anything less than the best standards possible? PowerMaster uses only DOT approved pressure-tested metal cans with an inner lining to prevent corrosion. Even the closure cap is tested to the highest of standards. What you get is the highest quality fuel packaged in a fully sealed can that offers the same performance months down the road as the day you purchased it.
