KO Propo EX-2 Select Pack 1 2.4GHz FHSS Radio System with KR-211FH Receiver. 

This function has been added to the calculator in the EX-2. Put TYRE DIAMETER in the calculator, ROLLOUT( Car movement distant per one motor rotation ) is automatically calculated. This is useful for changing gearing in a DD car. 

A motor that has a strong magnetic force will add a braking effect when the throttle is released and will make a car stall in the corner. Setting the amount of forward input to remain on the throttle as the trigger returns to neutral can be adjusted. This is effective for F1, WorldGT and 1/12 category of cars whose gear ratio is small. 

You can change language in the display from Japanese and English. Selecting the display language that you prefer to use. 

Various Performance Functions 

