Metal Spring-2pcs

Original Name / Part No:

Part location :
Front dampers

Does this product replace a specific part or function?

Product major functions & usage:
Reduce the friction and absorb the pressure during driving so that the car can be more balanced.

Is this part adjustable? If yes … how and why/purpose?
How: Adjust the top spring retainer.
Purpose: To adjust the hardness of the spring damper.

Major advantages of upgrading to this part/product :
1. Made with a quality light weight high tensile strength aluminum 6061 T6 for greater durability. The spring coil has increased from original 2.5mm to 2.6mm, 2.8mm coil also available for more powerful use.
2. The damper shaft has thickened from 5mm to 6mm and smoothly polished to avoid bending.
3. Alloy body with shock-absorb cap to seal tightly and avoid leaking.