
[하비몬 댓글]

 ■구성품 : LED 버킷 2개

 ■장착법 : 조립 전 도색 및 가공이 필요할 수 있음

 ■재질 : 흰색 플라스틱



Add Halo lights to your rig. These Halo lights are a direct fit to the Knight Customs JK & FC grills but could also be adapted to other applications. Parts will need painting correctly to achieve the desired Halo effect. The lights can be powered by a single 5mm LED or an optional second 5mm LED for other effects (LED's sold separately). The outer diameter is 20mm and the lights have the same mounting as the stock Axial light buckets. 

PLEASE NOTE: Parts are printed in high detail resin and all screw locations will require pre-drilling before instalation. Material is brittle so it is advised they are no installed in areas that might see a lot of trail abuse.